We were very busy over the holidays with visiting family and friends. Here are just a few of our adventures.
The weekend before Thanksgiving we all met in Gilmer, TX at "The Farm" for our annual Thanksmas - a Walworth family tradition. Here we had wonderful fellowship, family and food. Traditional food includes Grandpa's variety of beers, "the beast"-prime rib, Yorkshire pudding, creamed onions and, my favorite, pumpkin pie!
Preparations at the Miller household included making so gingerbread cookies. I found out that I don't like gingerbread, but had a lot of fun decorating the cookies!

Matt and the pups--aren't those dinner napkins?

Our first Christmas as newly weds
This was the eve before we left for Northern Virginia to see Matt's folks.

Matt's parents' Christmas tree
Look at all of those gifts!

2nd Annual Miller Christmas Dinner
This year our dinner was in Charlottesville, VA at The Clifton Inn. We had a wonderful time interacting with the staff as we sat at the chef's table.

Miss Riley
We met up with Matt's friend's Dan & Kristi while in Charlottesville and saw their daughter Riley for the first time. She is the reason they missed our wedding, but we won't hold it against her!
Our last day in DC
Just posing in from of our National Capitol
We made it back home to Texas before the New Year to celebrate with Mom and Joe.