Saturday, June 27, 2009

I think Rigor Mortis is setting in!

I have dead people in's true. I certainly don't mean any disrespect, on the contrary, I have complete respect and admiration for organ donors.

There is a side to donation that gets less publicity; that is tissue donation.

Can an organ donor also be a tissue donor?
Yes. In fact, tissue donation is a more common option for people wishing to be donors, as there are fewer medical reasons a person would be denied the opportunity. As many as 50 people can benefit from ONE tissue donor.

I am happy to say that I am the recipient of selfless gifts given by two families.

During my surgery on Tuesday, I received a cadaver Achilles tendon allograft to replace my torn ACL and a lateral meniscus allograft to replace my meniscus that I destroyed years ago.

Now I feel I have a commitment to fulfill; not only to myself and to my family that has taken care of me, but also to respect the gift that has been given to me.

I will never know those families that lost their loved one and gave me their biologic gift. My gratitude goes to all families that have made that decision.

My leg is sore and stiff!

This is my friend, the CPM (continuous passive motion). Since my surgery my knee has be locked in full extension all of the time, except when I do my CPM. The goal is 8 hours a day, but realistically I may not always reach that time goal. For now, my goal is 40 degrees of flexion; until I see my OS (orthopedic surgeon) on Monday.

I'm taking my pain meds, Ibuprofen, antibiotic, and stool softener on a schedule right now. Matt made out this great chart so that we can keep up with it all!

(Wow-I look rough, but still a smile on my face!)

Thank you Sheryl for stopping by. She brought me a great bag with a get well card, treats, magazines and notes from the class I missed on Thursday while I was still in the hospital. I hope to return to class Monday for a half day before my OS appointment.

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