I know, its been way to long since I have posted.
To all of my friends out there--I am sorry if I haven't returned your phone calls, replied to emails, myspace messages, or facebook wall writings.
School has been completely consuming. I literally study every waking hour (or at least I try to)!
I don't know if my pea brain can retain all of this information.
As far as my blog goes...I don't know if there is anything worth publishing. When something exciting happens, I'll let you know. Until then, you should keep blogging, I really enjoyed "keeping up" with everyone during my study breaks. Thanks for the entertainment and relaxation for my brain!
To all of my friends out there--I am sorry if I haven't returned your phone calls, replied to emails, myspace messages, or facebook wall writings.
School has been completely consuming. I literally study every waking hour (or at least I try to)!
I don't know if my pea brain can retain all of this information.
As far as my blog goes...I don't know if there is anything worth publishing. When something exciting happens, I'll let you know. Until then, you should keep blogging, I really enjoyed "keeping up" with everyone during my study breaks. Thanks for the entertainment and relaxation for my brain!
Here is a self photo in my new scrubs from my first day of lab.